More than 80 years helping companies

Estivill Assessors is a professional team of highly qualified legal and financial advisors and consultants experienced in serving companies and professionals alike for over 80 years.

Our values are centred around integrity, professionalism and high quality service which has allowed Estivill Assesors to reach and maintain a high level of client satisfaction.

We work with your goal to make your business grow

Our values

A journey of more than 80 years consolidates this family project which began in 1934, thanks to the satisfaction and loyalty of our clients.

The relationship we have with our clients is based on intimacy and communication, adapting our team as necessary for each and every client and also their particular case. Our specialists offer consistent feedback and availability.

Our objective is to understand the realities of our clients’ business, so that we can offer made-to-measure solutions that are efficient in the short term as well as the long term. Our work involves exhaustive planning and we consider all the risks, to ensure everything runs smoothly for our clients.

Estivill Assessors constantly strive to orientate our clients and is committed to finding the most feasible solutions to each and every case. For this reason, we opt for innovation in all areas – the service we offer, our working procedures and also in communication with our clients so that we can guarantee quick and reliable answers. In this way, each case is treated with our full commitment and our clients have complete peace of mind.

Para Estivill Assessors la satisfacción del cliente es nuestra prioridad y para asegurarla, enfocamos nuestro esfuerzo humano y económico a garantizar unos estándares de calidad que estén siempre a la altura de las necesidades de nuestros clientes. As Proof of this, we have been awarded certificate UNE-EN ISO 9001-2015. For Estivill Assessors, client satisfaction is our priority and to guarantee this, our focus is on human effort and quality for money service for all of our clients.

We base our management system on a principle of responsibility as far as social, environmental and financial factors are concerned. For this reason, social responsibility is a fundamental aspect of the running and growth of our firm.

We execute this by employing people with disabilities, in order to support and facilitate social integration in the world of work, and we have also collaborated with entities such as the Asociación de Familiares de Enfermos Mentales, la Asociación de Padres del Taller Ocupacional Baix Camp, Cáritas and la Liga contra el Cáncer.

We are also committed at Estivill Assessors to caring for the environment and as such implement measures to reduce our consumption and improve our energy efficiency.
